Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Week 3 Reading Diary: Aesop for Children (Winter)

Here are a few of my favorite stories from Aesop for Children, illustrated by Milo Winter

The Wolf and the Kid In this tale, an arrogant young goat strays away from his flock and is caught by the Wolf. Surprisingly, this is not the end for the Kid, as he tricks the Wolf into playing a tune on the pipe before he eats him. Hearing this tune, and recognizing it as the Wolf's dinner song, the Shepherd's dogs race back to the Kid and run the Wolf away.

The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox Much like the Kid in the previous tale, the Cock in this story is saved through his own cleverness and the help of a dog. When the Fox feigns friendliness to the Cock and tries to lure him down from his perch, the Cock tells the Fox to meet his porter around the other side of the tree. The unsuspecting Fox is instead grabbed by the Dog the second he rounds the tree!

The Travelers and the Purse This fable illustrates a great lesson. As two travelers are walking down the road, one of them finds a coin purse filled with gold. His companion asks him to share it, but he says that he alone found it and he alone will keep it. They then hear an angry mob shouting about the stolen purse, and the man who claimed it has the nerve to say that both of them are in trouble! His companion says that the purse and the trouble with it is now his alone.

The Ass, the Fox, and the Lion Similarly to The Travelers and the Purse, someone treacherous gets there's in this story. The Fox and the Ass, seemingly friends, run into the Lion. The Fox tells the Ass that he will talk to the Lion, but when he does he offers to lead the Ass into a trap so that the Lion can eat him! After the Fox traps the Ass, the Lion instead eats the Fox.

The Monkey and the Cat In this story, the Monkey tricks the Cat into pulling chestnuts out of the fire by cleverly praising the Cat on it's skillfulness. He promises that they can split them between themselves after they get them out, but the Monkey instead eats them one by one! The cat finds himself in trouble with their owner, with burnt paws, and no chestnuts to show for it.

The Cat and the Birds
I found this story pretty funny. In this tale, a hungry cat hears that a family of birds in town is sick and in need of a doctor. The cat decides to put on glasses, get a leather bag and go to the bird's house in the guise of a physician. The birds see through this and laugh him away. This reminded me of Tweety Bird and Sylvester!

The Shepherd and the Lion In this story, The Shepard find that some of his flock and missing and angrily seeks out the Wolf for vengeance. Praying to the gods, he offers to sacrifice one of his calves if he can find the one who is killing his flock. The Shepard soon finds the lion with one of his sheep in his mouth. Terrified of the Lion, the Shepard soon regrets what he sought out.

The Wolves and the Sheep In this fable, a flock of sheep are tricked into their untimely demise by a hungry pack of wolves. The wolves, noticing that the dogs always prevent them from eating the sheep, go to the sheep and instead blame the dogs for the hostilities between sheep and wolf! They claim that if it were not for the dogs, the wolves and sheep would be best of friends. Once the sheep send the dogs away, the wolves have a grand feast.

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