Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Week 13 Reading Diary: Fables of La Fontaine

Here are a few of my favorite stories from Fables of La Fontaine

The Frog and the Ox This story tells the tale of a little frog with a big ego! One day, while sitting in the swamp, the frog sees the ox and says to his sister that the ox looks about the size of the frog. Huffing and puffing, the frog inflates himself to try to match the the size of the ox. The frog, however, doesn't reach this size, and instead explodes.

The Dog And His Image In this tale, a dog enjoying a juicy bone goes down to the stream where he sees his own reflection. Mistaking his reflection for another bone and not his own, the dog drops his bone to grab the other. In the end, the dog's greed leaves him empty handed as his bone splashes into the stream.

The Fox and the Grapes In this story, the fox comes across a bunch of grapes high above his head. Eying them to eat, he jumps with all this strength to reach the grapes. When they prove to be too far, however, the fox declares that the grapes must be sour, and that he never really wanted them anyways.

The Tortoise and the Two Ducks In this story, the tortoise, envious of the ducks, yearns to fly. Agreeing to help, the two ducks tell the tortoise to bite down on a stick, which they will grab and take off into the air. While in mid air, the tortoise attempts to speak, sending here back down to the ground where she is smashed to bits.

The Frog and the Rat This tale tells of a frog and rat who, while traveling together, decide to tie their legs together for safety. When they come across some water, however, the frog decides to dive deep down, causing the rat to trash about. This commotion attracts the attention of a kite, who swoops down and eats them both.

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